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Back to Business: Designing for active office work

Join us for this event in collaboration with the Workplace Vitality Hub. 

Date: Monday 21 March
Time: 16.00 - 18.30 
Location: Conference Center + Workplace Vitality Hub 


  • 16.00 Welcome by High Tech Campus and Workplace Vitality Hub
  • 16.05 Keynote: Designing for active office work by Ida Damen
  • 16.25 Keynote: Walk Your Meeting by Martine de Vaan
  • 16.45 Introduction to the Workplace Vitality Hub by Sywert Brongersma and Marieke van Beurden
  • 17.00 Let's ‘netwalk’ towards the Workplace Vitality Hub (HTC 85)
  • 17.20 Drinks and networking at the Workplace Vitality Hub 
  • 18.30 End 

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